Game Maker Infinite Terrain

2020. 3. 6. 07:46카테고리 없음

It’s not the version of unity that’s the problem. The guy who made this quote on quote “tutorial” leaves out the major detail that he’s changed a few things when posting the scripts GitHub.

They say minor changes but those minor changes are the difference in a working script (and a useful tutorial) and whatever you want to call the two (useless) unchanged pages.This “tutorial” also fails to mention that he uses much more advanced code like when you need to do the InputDirection bit and it doesnt work. All of that is on GitHub as well.You’d think someone who boasts about all the tutorials they do or someone who says: “As all games that respect themselves must do, we have to have a simple enumeration called GameState.”— You’d think someone who thinks so highly of their work would say “Oh by the way, this tutorial is no where near complete, check out my github for everything else because I won’t be talking about it, mentioning it, or showing pictures that include detail on my hierarchy gameobjects because that’s too much work for me. I’ve got many more half-assed “tutorials” to do.”Don’t worry though, George. I’ll clean up his mess.You’re better off getting everything off of github and learning how it all works together rather than reading through garbage 20 times a day trying to figure out why a tutorial — a tutorial where new people are gonna go — would be so full of holes and errors that it was seemingly made by Dory from finding Nemo.

Game Maker Infinite Terrain Download

“Oh forgot what that object 4 lines of code up was called let’s call it something new”It’s even funnier that this idiot turns around and moderates the comments before theyre posted. Probably because he doesnt want anyone pointing out his idiocy.Like. Hey man, so I’ve got everything working and it’s going great!

Thanks for the tutorial, it’s helped me learn a lot of new things. I’m stumped on one thing though. How can I combine the two movement scripts?? I want my Player to be able to move side to side (later I’ll implement motion controls for the phone but for now arrow keys or mouse/swipe is fine). I’ve been at this all day, rewording, adding booleans and trying what I know in terms of movement to make this happen but I cant seem to get it.Right now I have both scripts, Rotated and Sideways placed on the Player along with the Swipe && Key Detectors but it breaks the jump, the Player’s rotation is messed up.Right now, using both scripts separately is my last resort. Having them combined had about the same results in terms of rotation issues. The only difference is that as one script, I could jump whereas now I cannot.I feel like I’ve had it at one point but messed it up and I can’t for the life of me recall what I had that made it work.Sorry for the long message, I’d really appreciate the help!

Unity Infinite Terrain


Game Maker Games

Thank you in advance:)Like.